Privacy Policy from Carpet Tile Wholesale

Carpet Tile Wholesale's Privacy Policy

Carpet Tile Wholesale is committed to protecting your privacy and have taken steps to explain this in full below, because we know how important your personal information is to you and we appreciate that you trust us to protect it carefully and sensibly. By visiting you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

We use the information we collect to enhance and improve your experience when using our website but we do not disclose your information to anyone outside Carpet Tile Wholesale. We explain here, for your reassurance, why we ask for information and how this information is likely to be used. You can then make informed choices about the information you provide on the Carpet Tile Wholesale website.

Where Your Information Goes

When you give information on our website, it may be analysed and used by Carpet Tile Wholesale, but we will never disclose any of your information to third parties, unless it is used in connection with the transfer of all or substantially all of Carpet Tile Wholesale assets or stock by way of acquisition, a sale or a reorganisation. Information about our customers is an important part of our business and we will not sell it to others.

Your Personal Information and What It's Used For

The information we gather from our customers helps us to personalise and continually improve our service to you.

  • To enable us to provide you with marketing and customer services

We can tell you about any new products and services that we think will be of interest to you or to sort out any queries you may have about using the site. We will keep our contact with you to an acceptable level.

  • To provide an improved service

Sometimes we ask for more detailed information and it is optional as to whether you provide it. This information allows us to update and improve the contents of our site.

  • To learn about what our customers want

In addition, the extra information we ask for helps us to understand more about the types of people who benefit most from using our website. We think it’s important to understand our customers well enough to keep improving our service for them.

  • To tell you about products and services we think you’ll like

We also learn about our customers by tracking their movements around the site. Individuals are not identified, but the results of customers’ preferences and their use of the site are analysed en masse.

  • To assist other companies with processing your order

When we use other companies (e.g. packing and delivering of orders, processing credit/debit card transactions, fraud prevention), we may pass sufficient information to these companies to allow them to provide the service we have requested. The companies concerned are not permitted to use the information supplied for any other purpose.

What About Cookies?

Cookies are most often small text files that websites may put on your computer whilst you are browsing. Cookies are used for many different purposes and some are listed below:

  • To help search engines remember that you want your search results in English
  • To help a website remember your preferences so that you don’t need to customise it every time
  • To help a website deliver a better service by showing you the content most relevant to you
  • To identify and resolve errors so that the site is improved for everybody
  • To analyse how well a website is performing
  • The most common function of cookies is to remember bits of information that help make browsing the web easier and more hassle-free for our customers.

Here is an example of a cookie:

Name Some Cookie

Value 1234a5b678c9


Expires 25th October 2024

The cookie explained:

Name The name of the cookie

Value The piece of information that the cookie is created to store

Domain The website where the cookie is used

Expires The date when the cookie will be deleted from your web browser

All modern browsers have tools to help you delete or block cookies. But it’s important to remember that many websites need cookies in order to function properly. By deleting or blocking cookies you could also block certain personalised features and you may not be able to take full advantage of some of that website’s features.

If You Don't Want To Receive Information From Us

When you register with on our website, we promise we will never disclose your information to anyone outside Carpet Tile Wholesale. If at any time you no longer wish to receive information from us, please email us at and we will remove you from our database straight away.

Subject Access Notice

You are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of your information, please write to us at our postal address below and we will let you have a copy as soon as we can. Please note that there may be a charge of £10 for this service.

Carpet Tile Wholesale
135 Easthorpe
NG25 0HZ

Changes To This Policy

We have the discretion to update this policy at any time. We encourage our customers to check this page for any changes and to stay informed about how we are protecting any personal information we collect.