Have a look to find out how to order your free samples
- Ordering your free samples couldn’t be easier. Just click on a tile you like the look of and then click the red ‘Get Your Free Sample’ button.
- The pop-up form will already show the name and colour of the tile you’ve chosen, so all you have to do is fill in your details, help us by answering three quick questions and click ‘Submit’.
- If you want to have a look at other tiles that’s fine, just click ‘Get More Samples’ instead of ‘Submit’ and repeat the above process for the tiles you like.
- When all the samples you want are listed, then click ‘Submit’ to send the form to us.
- We’ll pick your samples as quickly as we can and post them out to you the same day.
- We always love to hear what you think of the samples we’ve sent, so don’t forget to let us know.
The colour of the season is grey, it's so popular at the moment, and you can see our range of grey floor tiles and choose a free sample by clicking the link.
Or to see all the other colours we have in stock, just click here.